
Advanced search

allows you to search within caption and key words. Enter one or a few words in one of the search fields. You can useANDORNOT.

Collège AND painting
Collège OR painting
Collège NOT painting

The default operator is AND, so you do not need to type it.
Please, do not use conjugated verbs: they won't give you any answer.

To search for an exact phrase, you have to use quotes.

"Collège de France"

When you are not sure about the spelling of a word, please type the beginning of the word and add the '-*'' sign.


will show you both images from physical and physiological fields.

Viewing results

Your search results are sorted by image number, in descending order; be aware that the image number is that of its entry in the picture database.

You can choose between two displays:

Please click on the image to read the details of the picture's record, then to select a keyword (personalities, Chairs or subjects) to conduct a related research on it, to add the picture to your basket or to download a watermarked medium resolution version.

Results filtering

On the left-hand column of the research screen, some filter lists allow you to refine your search. You may filter by Personalities, Field, Chair, Year, Support, and Orientation. Each filter gives you the number of pictures it offers.

Personnalities -
Year -

By clicking on an item inside a filter list, you will only display the pictures related to this item.

To show or hide the content of a filter list, click on the button +/-, at the right-hand of the name of the filter.


To download a picture, click on the icon , or click on "download", written on the picture's record, and you will get its watermarked medium resolution version.

To get a medium or high resolution picture, without watermark, you need to order it, by putting it in your basket (icon or 'Add to basket').

Creating and managing your basket

Your basket will be created automatically if you haven't already created a personalized one under your own session.

You may create as many baskets as you need.

To create a new basket, please click on New basket in the left-hand column of the screen.
Give it a name, add a comment if you need, then confirm by clicking on enter key.

To rename a basket, please, click on Rename the basketin the column to the left of the screen.
Give it a name, add a comment if you need, then confirm by clicking on enter key.

To delete a basket, click on Delete a basket, in the column to the left of the screen, then confirm by clicking on the Enter key.

To add an image in your basket, click on icon underneath the picture or on the words Add to basket that you can find inside the picture record.

To remove an image from your basket, please click on icon underneath the picture.

Downloading your basket

To download the whole content of your basket, please click on download the basket, then chose the image file format you need.

Ordering Pictures

To order pictures, please, click on "Order my basket" in the left-hand banner of the screen. Add the requested information and let us know your intended use of the pictures, and how you want to receive them, then confirm with the Enter key.

You can get pictures in several formats:

Metadata - IPTC data

The data documenting each picture (caption, key words, etc.) are part of the pictures IPTC data but are partly hidden by the Windows viewer. So we suggest you to use appropriate tools as Irfanview or Photoshop to see them all

Custom selection

You may ask us to select pictures for you on a particular topic. Please, be so kind as to send an explicit request at "" and you will receive a picture sheet or a link to a picture sheet by email.

Be careful: the link will become unavailable 2 hours after the email is sent.

We are there to assist you from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 18 pm, and will be happy to help you.